It’s Friday. Let’s throw caution to the wind and have a little fun. We asked customers, social media followers and friends to ask us anything about moving. Here you go:
<h2>Where do you hire the movers?</h2>
Most of our movers come from word of mouth, but we are always hiring hard workers who are good with customer service,
<h2>Can I make a career out of moving?</h2>
Absolutely! The owner of our company started out as a mover. So did most of the management.
<h2>What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever moved?</h2>
Hmmm, well our movers do keep things confidential, but there was that time we moved a forensic pathologist. Let’s just say it took some creative packing to move the collection of human skeletons.
<h2>Do you like your customers?</h2>
Well, they are customers, not friends, however, we have developed a lot of friendships over the years from our customers. Moving is very intimate. You build a level of trust when people are in your home, handling all of your most personal belongings. Overall, though, we love making our customers happy and yes, we completely understand if the relationship remains completely professional.
<h2>Have you ever moved hoarders?</h2>
It would probably be safer to say that we’ve moved a lot of pack rats and even more collectors. We aren’t medical professionals. We’ll leave the diagnoses to others. However, if a situation is unsafe for our movers, we will turn down the job.
<h2>What’s your favorite kind of move?</h2>
Each of our movers would probably give you a different answer, but I am an art lover. Art collections are challenging to move, but in a good way.
<h2>Tell us about the worst customer you’ve ever had.</h2>
Moving is very stressful, we know that. It’s not uncommon for our movers to work with anxious customers. Believe it or not, one of the most difficult situations is when customers trust us too much and they leave for the day. It’s imperative that someone is nearby to answer any questions the movers might have.
<h2>If you could tell every customer just one thing, what would it be?</h2>
There seems to be an idea that moving is one of the greediest business, that we only see dollar signs instead of people. For some movers, this might be true, but we are playing the long game. In the long run, happy customers are far more profitable than a quick buck.
If you have any questions, no matter how weird, comment below. Remember, you can ask us anything.