Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move, moivng tips.

Los Angeles is experiencing a moving boom, with an influx of individuals and families flocking to the city for its opportunities, lifestyle, and vibrant culture. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the latest trends shaping the Los Angeles moving scene and provide valuable tips for a seamless transition to your new home in this dynamic city.

  1. Remote Work and Lifestyle Shifts:
    • Explore how remote work and lifestyle shifts are influencing the moving trends in Los Angeles.
    • Discuss the rise of digital nomads, freelancers, and remote workers choosing LA for its work-life balance and amenities.
  2. Tech-Driven Moving Solutions:
    • Highlight the emergence of tech-driven moving solutions in Los Angeles, such as virtual surveys, online booking platforms, and AI-powered logistics.
    • Discuss how technology is streamlining the moving process and enhancing customer experience.
  3. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices:
    • Explore the growing emphasis on sustainability and eco-friendly moving practices in Los Angeles.
    • Discuss the use of electric vehicles, recyclable packing materials, and waste reduction initiatives in the moving industry.
  4. Neighborhood Revitalization and Community Focus:
    • Discuss the trend of neighborhood revitalization and community-focused living in Los Angeles.
    • Highlight neighborhoods experiencing revitalization efforts and community initiatives that promote connectivity and engagement.
  5. Concierge Services and Personalized Experiences:
    • Explore the demand for concierge services and personalized moving experiences in Los Angeles.
    • Discuss how moving companies are offering tailored solutions, such as packing assistance, storage options, and home setup services.
  6. Cultural Diversity and Inclusivity:
    • Celebrate the cultural diversity and inclusivity of Los Angeles, attracting people from diverse backgrounds and communities.
    • Discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity and inclusive practices in the moving industry.
  7. Health and Safety Protocols:
    • Highlight the implementation of health and safety protocols in the wake of the pandemic, ensuring a safe and hygienic moving experience.
    • Discuss measures such as contactless moving options, sanitization procedures, and social distancing practices.

The Los Angeles moving scene is evolving with the times, embracing technology, sustainability, community, and diversity. By staying informed about these trends and following our tips, you can navigate the Los Angeles moving boom with confidence and ease, ensuring a seamless transition to your new home in the City of Angels.

Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move, Long-Distance Moving, moivng tips.

Moving to Los Angeles, the City of Angels, can be an exciting but challenging experience. With its bustling streets, diverse neighborhoods, and vibrant culture, LA offers a unique lifestyle that attracts people from all over the world. In this guide, we’ll provide you with the ultimate Los Angeles moving checklist to ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new home in this iconic city.

  1. Research and Planning Phase:
    • Research neighborhoods in Los Angeles based on your preferences for commute, amenities, safety, and lifestyle.
    • Create a moving timeline with key milestones, such as finding a new home, scheduling movers, and transferring utilities.
  2. Budgeting and Financial Preparation:
    • Estimate your moving expenses, including packing materials, moving services, transportation costs, and potential housing deposits.
    • Set aside a budget for unexpected expenses and emergencies during the moving process.
  3. Declutter and Organize:
    • Declutter your belongings before the move by sorting items into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard.
    • Organize your belongings efficiently for packing, labeling boxes by room and priority.
  4. Hiring Professional Movers:
    • Research and compare moving companies in Los Angeles, checking reviews, credentials, and pricing.
    • Schedule movers well in advance and confirm details such as dates, services, and insurance coverage.
  5. Packing and Moving Essentials:
    • Gather packing supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers.
    • Pack essential items separately for easy access, including toiletries, medications, important documents, and a first-aid kit.
  6. Update Your Address and Services:
    • Notify relevant parties of your change of address, including banks, utilities, subscriptions, and government agencies.
    • Forward mail through the USPS or other mail forwarding services.
  7. Arrival and Settling In:
    • Coordinate with your movers for a smooth move-in day, ensuring that utilities are connected and keys are accessible.
    • Unpack essentials first, set up key areas like the bedroom and kitchen, and familiarize yourself with your new neighborhood.
  8. Explore Your New City:
    • Take time to explore Los Angeles, from local attractions and restaurants to parks and cultural events.
    • Get involved in community activities and connect with neighbors to feel at home in your new city.

Moving to Los Angeles requires careful planning and organization, but with the right checklist and preparation, you can make the transition smooth and stress-free. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to settling into the City of Angels and embracing everything it has to offer.

Posted by & filed under Home Improvement, moivng tips, Real Estate.

With the increasing popularity of remote work and flexible lifestyles, many individuals are embracing a hybrid living approach, splitting their time between different homes or cities. In this blog post, we’ll explore the trends and strategies for successfully navigating a lifestyle that involves moving between homes, whether for work, leisure, or personal reasons. Learn how to make these transitions smooth, efficient, and enjoyable.

  1. Flexible Housing Solutions:
    • Discuss the growing demand for flexible housing options, such as short-term rentals, co-living spaces, and furnished apartments.
    • Explore how these solutions cater to individuals seeking a flexible lifestyle with minimal commitment.
  2. Packing for Mobility:
    • Offer tips on packing for mobility, including packing essentials that can easily move between homes.
    • Discuss the benefits of a minimalist approach to packing for frequent moves.
  3. Digital Nomad Tools and Resources:
    • Introduce digital nomad tools and resources that facilitate remote work and travel, such as coworking spaces, remote job boards, and travel apps.
    • Discuss how these tools can enhance the hybrid living experience.
  4. Managing Multiple Residences:
    • Provide strategies for managing multiple residences, including organizing belongings, maintaining security, and handling mail and bills.
    • Discuss the importance of establishing routines and systems for a seamless transition between homes.
  5. Community Engagement in Different Locations:
    • Explore ways to engage with communities in different locations, such as joining local groups, attending events, and volunteering.
    • Discuss the benefits of building connections in each location for a more enriching hybrid living experience.
  6. Balancing Work and Leisure:
    • Offer tips on balancing work and leisure activities in different locations.
    • Discuss the importance of time management and setting boundaries to maintain a healthy balance.
  7. Eco-Friendly Hybrid Living:
    • Highlight eco-friendly practices for reducing the environmental impact of frequent moves, such as using sustainable packing materials and minimizing waste.
    • Discuss the role of conscious consumption in sustainable hybrid living.

Hybrid living offers the freedom to explore new places and lifestyles while maintaining a sense of home and stability. By embracing the trends and strategies outlined in this post, you can enjoy a seamless and fulfilling experience moving between homes and cities.

Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move, moivng tips, News.

As the clock strikes midnight and we usher in the new year, it’s the perfect time to embrace change, set new goals, and perhaps, embark on a journey to a new home. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the art of making a fresh start in 2024, sharing insights, tips, and trends to ensure your move is not just a relocation but a positive, transformative experience as you step into this exciting new chapter.

  1. Setting Intentions for Your Move:
    • Discuss the importance of setting intentions and clear goals for your move in the new year.
    • Offer a reflective exercise to help readers define their moving objectives for a fresh start.
  2. Mindful Packing and Letting Go:
    • Explore the concept of mindful packing, emphasizing the importance of decluttering and letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose.
    • Provide tips on how to approach the packing process with a positive mindset.
  3. New Year, New Home: Designing Your Space:
    • Offer guidance on designing a new home with a focus on creating a space that reflects personal aspirations and intentions for the year ahead.
    • Discuss the impact of intentional home design on well-being and happiness.
  4. Connecting with Your New Community:
    • Share strategies for connecting with the new community, fostering a sense of belonging.
    • Discuss local events, groups, and initiatives to help readers integrate seamlessly into their new environment.
  5. Tech Tools for a Smoother Move:
    • Highlight the latest tech tools and apps that can streamline the moving process.
    • Discuss how incorporating technology can enhance organization and reduce stress during a move.
  6. Wellness during Relocation: Mind, Body, and Soul:
    • Emphasize the importance of prioritizing wellness during the moving process.
    • Provide tips for maintaining mental and physical well-being throughout the transition.
  7. Celebrating Milestones:
    • Encourage readers to celebrate milestones associated with their move, whether it’s the first day in their new home, completing the unpacking process, or connecting with neighbors.
    • Share ideas for creating memorable moments during the move.

Moving in the new year is an opportunity for a fresh start, a chance to create the life you envision. By approaching your move with intention, mindfulness, and a positive mindset, you can transform the process into a celebration of new beginnings.

Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move, Long-Distance Moving, moivng tips, Uncategorized.

As our collective environmental consciousness continues to grow, so does the desire for sustainable living practices, including eco-friendly moving. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the latest trends and practices for a greener move. Whether you’re passionate about reducing your carbon footprint or simply want to make environmentally conscious choices during your relocation, this guide will help you move mindfully in 2024.

  1. The Green Moving Movement:
    • Discuss the increasing importance of sustainability in the moving industry.
    • Explore how individuals are embracing eco-friendly practices as part of their relocation process.
  2. Choosing Sustainable Packing Materials:
    • Highlight the environmental impact of traditional packing materials.
    • Introduce alternatives such as recycled boxes, biodegradable packing peanuts, and reusable containers.
  3. Efficient Loading and Route Planning:
    • Discuss the role of efficient loading and route planning in reducing fuel consumption during a move.
    • Explore how technology is aiding moving companies in optimizing routes for minimal environmental impact.
  4. Eco-Conscious Decluttering:
    • Encourage readers to declutter responsibly, emphasizing donation and recycling options.
    • Discuss the benefits of minimizing belongings before a move.
  5. Energy-Efficient Transportation:
    • Showcase moving companies that invest in energy-efficient and low-emission vehicles.
    • Discuss the positive impact of choosing eco-friendly transportation options.
  6. Community Recycling Programs:
    • Explore how communities are offering special recycling programs for items commonly discarded during a move.
    • Encourage readers to research local recycling initiatives.
  7. Sustainable Unpacking and Disposal:
    • Provide tips on responsibly unpacking and disposing of packing materials.
    • Highlight the importance of recycling or repurposing materials whenever possible.
  8. Eco-Friendly Home Setup:
    • Offer guidance on setting up a sustainable home, including energy-efficient appliances and eco-friendly furnishings.
    • Discuss how individuals can continue their green practices even after settling in.

Conclusion: Moving mindfully is not just a trend but a responsibility in today’s world. By adopting sustainable practices during your relocation, you contribute to a healthier planet. Use this guide to make conscious choices that align with your values and create a positive impact on the environment.

Posted by & filed under Home Buying, Home Improvement, Long-Distance Moving.

Embarking on a long-distance move can be both exciting and challenging. Whether you’re relocating for a new job, a change of scenery, or personal reasons, the journey requires careful planning. In this blog post, we’ll share essential tips to help you navigate a long-distance move seamlessly, ensuring a smooth transition to your new home.

  1. Create a Comprehensive Moving Plan:
    • Stress the importance of detailed planning for long-distance moves.
    • Provide a checklist of tasks, including researching moving companies, setting a budget, and creating a timeline.
  2. Downsizing for Efficiency:
    • Discuss the benefits of downsizing before a long-distance move.
    • Offer practical tips for decluttering and minimizing belongings to reduce moving costs.
  3. Research and Choose the Right Moving Company:
    • Guide readers on how to research and select a reliable long-distance moving company.
    • Provide a checklist for evaluating moving companies, including reviews, licenses, and insurance.
  4. Pack Strategically for the Journey:
    • Share tips on how to pack for a long-distance move, emphasizing the need for durability and protection.
    • Discuss labeling, creating an inventory, and packing essentials for the journey.
  5. Stay Connected Throughout the Move:
    • Discuss the importance of communication with your moving company, especially for long-distance moves.
    • Share tips for staying informed about the status of your belongings during transit.
  6. Plan for Arrival:
    • Offer guidance on preparing for your arrival at the new location.
    • Discuss the importance of having essentials readily available and planning for the first few days in your new home.
  7. Adjusting to a New Community:
    • Provide advice on getting acclimated to a new city or town.
    • Discuss ways to explore the community, find local services, and build connections.
  8. Handle the Emotional Aspect:
    • Address the emotional challenges of leaving familiar surroundings.
    • Offer tips for managing stress, staying positive, and embracing the opportunities a new location brings.

Conclusion: A long-distance move requires meticulous planning, but with the right strategies, it can be a smooth and exciting transition. By following these tips, you’ll be better prepared for the journey ahead and can focus on settling into your new home with ease.

Call to Action: Encourage readers to share their own long-distance moving experiences in the comments and reach out to your moving company for personalized assistance in planning their next move.

Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move, Home Buying, Home Improvement, Long-Distance Moving, Packing, Storage.

Packing is often considered one of the most daunting aspects of moving. In this blog post, we’ll explore the art of efficient packing and provide valuable tips to make your move smoother and less stressful. Whether you’re moving across town or across the country, the way you pack can significantly impact the ease of your transition.

  1. Start Early and Plan Strategically:
    • Discuss the importance of starting the packing process well in advance of your move date.
    • Provide a room-by-room packing plan to help readers stay organized.
  2. Declutter and Donate:
    • Explain the benefits of decluttering before packing, reducing the number of items you need to move.
    • Share tips on how to decide what to keep, donate, or discard.
  3. Gather Packing Supplies:
    • Create a checklist of essential packing materials, such as boxes, packing tape, bubble wrap, and packing paper.
    • Offer suggestions for where to find free or discounted packing supplies.
  4. Properly Pack Fragile Items:
    • Provide detailed instructions on how to pack delicate or valuable items like glassware, electronics, and artwork.
    • Share tips on cushioning, wrapping, and labeling fragile boxes.
  5. Pack Room by Room:
    • Highlight the importance of packing room by room to stay organized.
    • Offer specific tips for packing different types of rooms (kitchen, bedroom, living room, etc.).
  6. Labeling and Inventory:
    • Explain the significance of labeling each box with its contents and the destination room.
    • Suggest creating a digital or physical inventory to keep track of all your belongings.
  7. Pack an Essentials Box:
    • Recommend packing an essentials box with items you’ll need immediately upon arrival at your new home (e.g., toiletries, important documents, snacks, and a change of clothes).
  8. Hiring Professional Packers:
    • Discuss the option of hiring professional packing services and the benefits they offer.
    • Share the efficiency and expertise that professional packers bring to the table.
  9. Moving Appliances and Furniture:
    • Provide guidance on how to prepare and move large appliances and furniture safely.
    • Discuss disassembly, proper packing, and reassembly at the new location.

Conclusion: Efficient packing is a crucial element of a successful move. By following these tips and techniques, you can make your relocation smoother, more organized, and less stressful. Whether you’re a DIY packer or prefer to hire professionals, the art of packing can turn a challenging process into a manageable one.

save money on your move

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No matter how you look at it, moving is expensive. There’s the money to find a new place to live. You shell out money for new schools and new alarm systems, etc. Of course, there’s the cost of packing and transporting your goods from your old place to the new one. We aren’t experts on how to save money on the new home, or the etcetera, but we can certainly help you save money on your move in pretty surprising ways.

Do — Pack Yourself

If you have the time, you can hundreds of dollars just by packing your own boxes. Your moving company can supply you with packing materials, or you can buy them used or at a store like Home Depot for a savings. Just make sure that the boxes are in good condition. Your moving company can also give you packing tips. Note, don’t use garbage bags. They might be fine to transport in your car, but most movers will not move them because they are prone to breakage.

Don’t — Move the Boxes

It might seem logical to move your boxes on your own, but they’re the easiest thing for a mover to move, and because of their shape, they make very efficient use of space.

Do — Move Weird Items

When we say “weird items,” we aren’t talking about your grandmother’s set of goblin figurines (that’s just my grandmother?). We’re talking about odd-shaped items that either don’t fit well in a box, or that you can easily move in your car. Some examples are lamps, pictures and mirrors, and electronics. In fact, we always advise you move your computers, after backing up your hard drives.

Don’t — Help the Movers Carry Things

A moving team is a little like a dance ensemble, they choreograph who does what and how. We want to save you money, but when you are moving long distance, you are paying for what we are moving for you, not for the time involved. Sit back, relax, or…

Do — Help the Movers Label Items

Invest in some room labels before the move. The movers will wrap each and every piece of furniture. If you know where that furniture goes in your new home, slap a room label on. This might not help you save money on your move, but it will save you time and headaches at delivery.

Don’t — Forget to Arrange Parking for the Moving Truck

The last thing you want is to be hit with a shuttle fee if you don’t need it. If you live on a narrow street, or you live on a steep hill, a semi-truck might not be able to make it, so we will have to move everything to a smaller truck. If, however, your street is wide, but there’s no parking, speak to your city in advance, and arrange to reserve the spaces. Your city will charge for a parking permit, but it’s less than having to shuttle your goods. The same goes for the place you’re moving to.

Do — Reserve the Service Elevator

Talk to your building’s management and find out if you need to reserve the elevator for moving day. Ask your moving coordinator about timing.

Your moving coordinator is an expert. Ask about ways you might be able to save money on your move. For any legitimate company, a happy customer is worth far more than the money you might save.

Featured Image CC 2.0, by 401(k) 2012, via Flickr


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If you use a lot of electricity, and as temperatures rise, who can really blame you, you’re going to be hit hard very soon. California utility companies are raising their rates for about 9 million California homes. You can fight back though, and if you do it right, you’ll add value to your home. Solar power is booming. It can be pricey, but it’s an investment — one that pays off in multiple ways. To maximize your payoff, though, you’d better jump soon.

Many Californians pay over $200 a month just on electricity, and even average users are seeing rising bills, often more than 30 percent per year. We can fight back, though, with solar power, and you might reap the benefits when you sell.

When you go to sell your home, solar will add as much as $20,000 to the sale price of your home. That’s sometimes more than the cost of the system.


How to go Solar


Going solar is not that complicated, but there are some options. You can buy or lease. You can purchase a battery backup or simply sell any surplus energy back to your utility company. Either way, you will probably save money in both the short and long-term.


Buy or Lease?


The first question you need to ask yourself is whether to buy or lease. There are advantages and disadvantages to both. Either way you go, you can go solar with no out of pocket cash.

If you buy, you can finance with low-interest loans. You can also take advantage of up to 30 percent tax credits, at least for now. The up to 30% federal tax credits are scheduled to phase out beginning in 2019. Unless you buy a backup battery, which can cost more than $7,000, your solar panels will only provide you electricity during daylight hours, when the sun is shining. That’s not all bad, though. If you don’t have a backup battery, you can sell any surplus daytime energy back to your utility company, meaning you’ll see your electric meter go backwards and you’ll have spare energy to keep your house comfortable even at night.

Leasing is cheaper. There is no initial cash outlay. If you lease, the leasing company is responsible for the upkeep, but they also get to keep the federal tax credits and they’ll be the ones to sell back the surplus energy. If you use electricity to cool or warm your home during the night, you might consider buying instead. Another factor to consider is that leases aren’t fixed. They can increase their rates over the course of the lease.

Another reason to buy instead of lease is that you may run into problems when it’s time to sell your home. If you are under a 20 year lease, and you sell just half-way through, the buyer will have to take over the lease, or you will have to remove the panels and violate your lease. You could buy it out, but you’d be better off buying from the start.

How to Choose a Solar Provider

Get referrals from neighbors or check with reputable referral agencies. You may be surprised to learn that some of the biggest names in solar have some of the worst reputations. Request a minimum of three quotes. If one solar company tells you your roof isn’t compatible, get a second and third opinion. Many companies have fixed size panels. They may not be able to accommodate some roofs, when other companies can.

Featured image via Wikimedia

Posted by & filed under Getting Ready to Move.

If anyone tries to tell you that they can make your move completely hassle and stress free, they’re lying. Even if you hire a mover to pack and unpack everything you own, there are still address changes, finding new doctors, and hairdressers, and, really, everything you need at your new home.

Fortunately, it’s the 21st century, and nearly everything you need for your move is available from your phone.

Here are just some of the apps that will help you with your move:


Sortly is destined to revolutionize the moving process, and I’m not exaggerating. With Sortly, you can create an inventory of absolutely everything, both before and after your goods go into boxes. You can create lists, add notes, and make labels for your boxes. It even allows you to send an inventory list to your mover, ensuring a far more accurate estimate. The cost is anywhere from free, for up to 100 items and one user, to $5.00 a month for up to three devices and unlimited inventory items. After the move, Sortly will also help you stay organized. Get Sortly on Android or iOS.


If you’ve ever tried room design apps before, and gave up because they were too complicated, you haven’t tried MagicPlan. It lets you take pictures of your room and design it from the pictures. Best of all, the app is free on iOS and on Android. There are in app purchases, though. Use MagicApp to help determine where to place your furniture before the move. It will help save time on moving day.


In most moves, one of the things that goes by the wayside is cooking, and who wants pizza three meals a day? With DoorDash, you can order from virtually any restaurant in your area, even some of the healthy ones. Get it for free on iOS or Android.


While apps like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter broaden your world, NextDoor is designed to make it smaller. NextDoor connects you with your neighbors, and that’s it. You can get advice about your new surroundings, and even get a lot of free stuff. Get it on Android or iOS for free.


You can’t pack and move without music. Download Spotify, and get unlimited music for free. If you want the commercial free version., it’s about $10 a month Make playlists or let Spotify use its algorithms to play music you may have never heard. The best thing about it, is you can just set it and leave it, unless you want to change things up. Get it on iOS or Android.

Featured image CC0, by Jeshoots, via Pexels